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A Tale of Three Trees Printable
A few years ago, my mom used a “Tale of Three Trees” theme for her Christmas table at an annual ladies event hosted by our church. She owned a copy of this beautiful picture book with the traditional story of the three trees and decided she would use the story as a theme. She used simple wooden objects, positioned around her table to illustrate the story. I created a printable to go along with it so that each guest had a small copy to take home.
Though I shared the printable here on my blog, somewhere along the way, the link was broken and the file went missing. I have had so many people request a copy in recent months and even had a typo pointed out. I just recently got around to making the updates and I would love to share it with you once again!

Find this beautiful book on Amazon!

To create the look my mom used for her table, use the following:
- A small wooden boat
- A wooden cross
- A wooden crate or treasure chest
- Straw
- Tiny lights
- My printable story and images to frame
- Illustrated book

My Three Trees printable activity pack includes a foldable mini story book, coloring page, foldable treasure chest, cut and fold cone trees for decorating, colored and outlined tree banner, large and small printable images suitable for framing.
How to Get This File
Fill out the form below and this free download will be emailed to you within a few minutes! If you’d rather not join my email list, you may want to check out the printables I have available in my shop: SHOP HERE
Janet Little
where can i find the trree trees
Hello, This is so cute! Where may I find the link for this printable? Thank you!
Sarah Lemp
Hi Caren! I apologize, this post was missing the updated link. I have updated it now, and you can find this printable in my printables shop:
Ashley Poundstone
Thank you!!
Denise Morin
Sarah, what a wonderful way to tell the “tale of tall trees!” I am unable to get the link to work for the packet of printables. Can you direct me?
Thank you!
Sarah Lemp
Hi Denise! I am not sure what happened to the printable! I am looking into it and will get back with you when the issue is fixed :)
That would be Great. My MomMom asked me to print this up for her church Christmas Tea.
Kelly Doyle
I am
Having trouble as well.
Love this idea!
Debra Frantz
Sarah, I would like to print the story of the Three Trees but I can’t seem to find how to print it. Please can you help me out?
Sarah Lemp
Hi Debra! The printable is located in my printables archive. You access it by singing in at the bottom of this post. You will then to be taken to the collection of printables and you just click on “download” under the Three Trees image. Hope that helps! :)
Hello. I’m not seeing The Tale of Three Trees printables. Thanks
Sarah Lemp
Hi Melissa,
This printable is located in my member area. You can join here:
It is filed under “seasonal” and is right at the top!