1. Pottery Barn Kids: A list of book options are available. Print their form and have fun coloring a book for each book your child reads. This is my daughter’s favorite tracking form :)
2. Barnes and Noble allows you to choose a free book depending on your age up through sixth grade. They also have some really appealing books for prizes.
3. Your Local Library is a great resource. Their prizes will vary depending on your location.
4. Chuck E. Cheese The great thing about Chuck E. Cheese is they not only reward reading, but they also reward other behaviors you want to encourage in your child. Check them out!!
6. Free Movie Ticket after reading a book and showing a book report.
7. Half Price Books Print the Summer Reading Log, and read for 15 minutes each day. Your child will earn a $5 gift card for each month completed.
8. Scholastic Summer Challenge 2013
9. TD Ameritrade will add $10 to your Savings Account
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