Blessing Bags
Hey everyone! One of my most popular posts of all time has been the one I did about putting together these Blessing Bags for the homeless.
Since writing that post a few years ago, I’ve put blessing bags together with a number of different groups and in different settings. We have had the opportunity to hand them out while walking the streets of our city or while stopping our car at an intersection. I have a friend that helps put these together for her husband that drives a truck across the country every week.
Last night, we had our group of Preschoolers through 4th-grade kids put blessing bags together as part of a church-wide “Loving Generously” event. I created these cards to include in the bags and have now added them to the member area! This is such a simple way to demonstrate kindness and teach your kids about giving to those in need.
TIP: Be sure everything you choose to put in your bag is safe to keep in the car! For example, you wouldn’t want anything chocolate that can melt or crackers that would easily crush. After you give one out, make another to always keep on hand! These are small enough to fit into a purse or the glove compartment of your car.
What to Put in Your Blessing Bags
By now, the term “Blessing Bag” has become a common phrase in many parts of the country. Perhaps you have already participated in a group project that assembled these bags, or passed them out yourself. I love hearing what kinds of things people include in their blessing bags.
TIP: The greatest need we hear about from homeless people in Detroit, Michigan is for socks. Many homeless people around us have access to food, but get really excited about warm socks.
Here are a few of the things we have included in our blessing bags:
- Toothbrush and toothpaste
- Tylenol (individual packet of 2)
- Tissues
- Antibacterial wipes
- Bandages
- Juice box
- Non perishable snack foods
- Safety pins
- Change for making a phone call
- Socks
- Shaving supplies
- Encouraging notes or little Bible
- Other reading material
- List of homeless shelters or food banks in the area
- Deodorant
- Bar soap
- Mouthwash
- Comb
TIP: When putting together a blessing bag, space is limited so small items that make a big impact are important! We have usually used juice boxes because they take up less space. Individual packets of pain reliever or wipes can be found at the dollar store. A small, travel toothbrush and toothpaste or other travel size items will allow more things to fit into the zippered bag you are filling!
Be sure to check out my original post HERE!
How to Get This File
Fill out the form below and this free download will be emailed to you within a few minutes! If you’d rather not join my email list, you may want to check out the printables I have available in my shop: SHOP HERE

J. K. Owens
Please email me the blessing bags cards
I cannot seem to be able to print, Can you email me the pdf please to print? Thanks!!
Allison Gibson
I can see from previous comments that I’m not the only one having trouble accessing the printable card for the blessing bags. Is there another way to download it? I could just make one, but didn’t want to “reinvent the wheel” so to speak. :) Thanks in advance, if you’re able to post or email a link.
Poverty Impact Network
Sarah, these are great! I’ve been considering cards to print for our homeless blessing bags but haven’t quite made the jump yet. I want to check out your printable cards but I get a 404 when I click the .pdf and “view” link. Hopefully you can send a file my way. Peace! Suzi
I would like to print your blessing bags notes for homeless. Can you email me the pdf please to print? I’m having trouble from your website! Thanks!!
Jennifer Lynn Franzen
would love these downloads please
Terri Mendoza
Hello, trying to find out how to download the tags for the homeless bags.
Sarah Lemp
Hi Terri! Just log-in or create an account using the section in the post that asks you to subscribe! You’ll be directed to the archives and the blessing bag cards are organized in the “Seasonal” category. Hope this helps :)
I would like to print the card for the Blessing Bags. How do I access that?
Sarah Lemp
Hi Michele! Just log-in or create an account using the section in the post that asks you to subscribe! You’ll be directed to the archives and the blessing bag cards are organized in the “Seasonal” category. Hope this helps :)
Hello there, I just joined, but can’t seem to find a link to access and to be able to print the Blessing bag Labels,
Please HELP!
Thank you, God Bless,
Sarah Lemp
Hey Linda,
I just sent you an email :)
i joined but can’t access the labels
LuAnn Marie
I filled out the join page, it sent me an email with a code, I clicked on the link in the email, but there is no place to enter the code. Please help!
Sarah Lemp
I’m emailing you now LuAnn!
I would like to print your You Matter notes for homeless blessing bags.