Lego Star Wars
Lego Star Wars was a fun theme to do for my son’s 5th birthday party! Here are all the ideas I pulled together, including the free printable party pack I created. *This printable file includes duplicates of each page, one intended for printing in black and white on yellow paper or card stock (the ink-friendly version), and one intended for printing in color on white paper.
You may also be interested in seeing my updated printable pack and other great Star Wars party ideas here: Star Wars Party Printables and Epic Ideas

- Light Sabers: Pretzel rods dipped in colored white chocolate
- Princess Lays: Chips
- Thermal Detonators: Cheese puffs or malted milk balls
- Obi-Wan Kabab-ies: Fruit kababs (could also be grilled chicken and veggies, etc)
- Yoda Soda: Lime sherbet and Sprite or 7-Up
- Vader-Ade: Red kool-ade or fruit punch
- Wookie-Cookies: Any type of cookie
- Hans-Rolos: Rolo candies
- Han Burgers: Hamburgers
- Hutt Dogs: Hot dogs
- Bow-Ba Fett Pasta: Bow tie pasta salad (I threw mine together with a balsamic vinaigrette dressing, green peppers, feta cheese and cherry tomatoes)
- Ewok Treats: Animal crackers
- Leia’s Bunns: Cinnamon rolls
- Giant Ice Cream Sundae: Instead of a cake, we did ice cream! Find out how we did it HERE

- Lego Head Jars Filled with Lego Candy: I created these fun treat holders out of old baby food jars. Find the tutorial HERE
- Lego candy like this!
- Light Sabers: Made out of pool noodles!

- Lego Face Plates: Find the tutorial HERE
- Banner, Food Signs and Other Printables: Find everything you need in my FREE Printable Pack!!
- Light Saber Napkins: Find the tutorial HERE
- Lego Constructed Utensil Containers, Food Bowls, and Numbers
- Store Bought Star Wars Party Accessories: Find them at Party City

- Attack the Clone Army: We gave each guest a foam light saber, then basically let them loose on a field of white balloons! Hint: don’t steak your balloons out to early. Most of ours popped on the grass before the kids had a chance to attack. If you have a willing individual, have someone dress as Darth Vader or another member of the Imperial guard to head up the Clone army.
- Pin the Lego Part onto the Lego Man: Included in my printable pack are the parts to a Lego man. Hang them on the wall and print out extra pieces for the arms or head. Cover kid’s eyes with blindfolds and let them pin pieces on to the correct spot.
- Unfreeze Han Solo: Freeze a plastic Han Solo action figure in a tub of ice, give each guest a dollar store squirt gun and let them race against the clock to unfreeze Han from “Carbonite”
- Go HERE for my complete post of party games

The birthday boy had a great time!!
Find more ideas on my Lego Party Pinterest Board
and my Star Wars Party Pinterest Board

How to Get This File
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Sarah Lemp
just emailed you Kathy :)
Thank you! I’m so sorry for the earlier duplicate request. Your email went to my spam folder, but I found it!
I signed up, but never received a confirmation email. I filled out the form again and still didn’t receive an email. I was hoping to be able to access the archives so that I could use the food labels for a birthday party tomorrow.
Hello! I am having trouble finding access to the printable food labels. Please help! ;)
Sarah Lemp
Once you sign up to access the archives, you can find them at this link:
You’ll need the case sensitive password that was sent to you in email :)
leicester christmas
WOW just ԝhat Ι was looking for. Came here by searching
for vanilla orchid plants
Sarah Lemp
I just sent you an email!
I love the Starwars lego party. I’m doing a party for my son this weekend and love some of your ideas.
Also, I love the food labels. I’m having trouble accessing the printables from the archive.
Can you send me link? Thank you!
Sarah Lemp
Hey Michelle,
I just emailed you the link and password! Hope that helps! :)
Can you please send me the labels as well? Great Post!
Thank you so much. This is going to be soooo helpful. I can’t thank you enough for making these printables free. :)
I love it! How did you make the signs? I can download, but I’d like them to say different kinds of food.
I love this post. I can’t wait to use your printables at my son’s party. One question – how do you use the blank labels? I found some Star Wars fonts online, but I’m not sure how to make that work. Do you think the best thing is to print out the blank labels and just glue the text with the font on top? I really want to make one that says vader’s veggies. :)
Sarah Lemp
Michelle, I’m so glad these were helpful! My idea behind the blank ones was precisely for people like you that had other creative food ideas! – LOVE the Vader’s Veggies idea :) My thought was just to print them out and use a yellow marker to replicate a Star Wars font. The font I used is called “Star Jedi” but I’m all for simple, so I’d just free hand it.
Thanks for the printables! I used some of them for my son’s party. I linked to you on my blog at
Ursula Rosien
What a FUN party! I’m planning a starwars party for my soon to be 6 year old son! I’m so excited and SUPER thankful for your printables!
Ursula, blogger at
{a journal of modern crafts}
Love your ideas! Thanks so much for sharing.
OMG This is AWESOME!!!!!! Thank you!. My three boys have chosen a lego star wars birthday party theme for their party in October. I’m searching for any and all ideas! Thank you so much!
Sarah Lemp
Yay! So glad this was helpful to you!! It is such a fun theme to work with :)