This post is sponsored by The Family Cookbook Project. All opinions are my own.

How to Make a Family Cookbook
I’m so excited to be partnering with The Family Cookbook Project to show you how easy it is to create an amazing, keepsake cookbook for your family! If you’re anything like me, you’ve had lots of plans to organize your recipes over the years. You may have purchased a nice recipe card holder, a laminating machine or a cute binder like I did. Over the years, I have collected hand written notes, cookbooks, and pins to online recipe boards. I’ve inherited countless recipes that have been passed on through the generations of our family. When it comes to actually doing something with them (so I can find them easily when I need to), that’s where I drop the ball.

The Family Cookbook Project offers a cloud based program where multiple people can add recipes to a single cookbook. The family cookbook can be accessed from anywhere, downloaded and printed. You can print it on your own or have it professionally printed and bound at an extra cost. The program makes it simple to invite contributors and can automatically send reminders if they forget to submit their recipes. There are no minimum print requirements and they also offer fundraising opportunities!
TIP: If the idea of entering hundreds of recipes seems like a daunting task, commit to do just a couple each day. OR do what I did and get your kids to help!

Membership Options
The Family Cookbook Project offers several different types of membership options, all designed to organize and preserve your valuable family recipes. I highly recommend the lifetime membership. Here is a breakdown of the different types of membership options:
1. Personal Cookbook FREE – the personal membership lets you create your cookbook with up to 50 recipes by yourself. You can create detailed recipes including your own uploaded photos, email recipes, print them, get a downloadable version of your whole cookbook and get special pricing when you’re ready to have it printed.
2. Monthly Premium Account $7.95 per month – the affordable Monthly Premium Membership lets you create your cookbook with unlimited recipes using an unlimited number of family and friends as contributors! You can create detailed recipes including your own uploaded photos, email recipes, print them, get a downloadable version of your whole cookbook and get special pricing when you’re ready to have it printed.
3. Premium Account $29.95 per year – the Annual Premium Membership let’s you fund your cookbook just once a year — and saves you 50% from the monthly plan. Or save huge with the Lifetime Membership for just $99.95!

How is it Different?
You might be wondering how The Family Cookbook Project differs from other recipe or cookbook creating apps. You can see many of the differences in the image below. Find more examples on their website!

Designing Your Cookbook and Creating a Custom Cover
The Family Cookbook Project offers lots of cover options and ways to customize your cookbook. I chose to create my own custom cover. You can do this yourself using any photo editing software or app like PicMonkey or Canva. Your images should be 150-300dpi resolution. Full page custom covers must be sized at 6″x9″ with 4.75″x7.75″ active content or 1800 x 2700 pixels.
Free Custom Cover Images
I have included several cover options here that you are free to use! Click on the button to download a zip file with all 4 images in it.
Download Here


Joanna Hines
What does the inside look like as far as layout?
Jennifer Welch
I have started a ministry at church to create a church recipe book. I love the 4 color book covers you have offered. But can you help me? I’m trying to update the wording so it doesn’t say “family”. Is that possible? Any assistance you can give would be wonderful. Thank you