“Both worry and stress reek of arrogance.”
“Both worry and stress reek of arrogance.”
Sarah Lemp is the owner and content creator at allthingswithpurpose.com and motorcitymouse.com. She has published 3 books, including an Amazon best-selling book on RV renovations. Sarah has worked personally with large brands like Meta, Disney and HGTV, sharing family travel tips and budget lifestyle content. Sarah is originally from Michigan, but now resides in Florida with her husband, Jay and their 5 kids. Sarah thrives on small budgets and can scale any size project to fit the means. She renovates ugly RVs and loves seeing old things become new. Sarah is a huge supporter of family travel because of the team-building impact it can have, and ability to cultivate an appreciation for other cultures and walks of life.
Sarah Lemp
Thank you for sharing, Leasha! It’s great how God gives us what we need, right when we need it. I am so glad this was an encouragement to you – praying for you today! God bless!
I loved this! It’s funny that you post this today because. This has been weighing on my mind lately about how I carry my burdens and stresses upon my shoulders instead of having faith in the Lord that he will take care of me and to live each day with a thankful and praising attitude. I thank the Lord for using you as His tool to give me a good wake-up call. :-)