Broadway in Detroit was gracious enough to host my daughter, Selah, and I at opening night of Annie at the Fisher Theatre. Wow! What a fun night!

Driving and Parking
This part is big for me, so sorry if I go overboard in details! I have to fight off feeling anxious any time I know I’ll be driving someplace I have never driven before, especially at night. I hadn’t been to the Fisher Theatre in well over a decade, and even then I wasn’t the one driving. So for those of you who can relate to driving and parking anxiety: don’t let that stop you! I simply put “Fisher Building Garage” into google maps and it led me there no problem. Prepaid parking is included with the purchase of a show ticket, so we drove straight into the garage and out again without needing to stop and pay.
We got there early (6:00, when the show didn’t start until 7:30) and we were able to park on the ground level and walk right over to the side door of the Fisher Building. When it came time to find our vehicle at the end of the night, I was glad to see that the area we needed to walk through was super well lit and I felt very safe being there with my daughter. Pair that with a crowd of fellow theater goers walking in the same direction, and I was feeling pretty relaxed about the whole endeavor! :)
You can click HERE for more info on directions and parking.

Family Night
It was Family Night at the Fisher Theatre last night! This meant some delicious free ice cream samples from the local Treat Dreams Ice Cream and a table of free coloring pages, notebooks, and trivia. They also offered special pricing for select balcony seating and “buy one adult ticket, get a child ticket free” for this particular night. Click HERE to find out more about Family Night, and future Broadway in Detroit productions with this special offer! It’s a great deal!

The Fisher Theatre
The Fisher Theatre is located in the Fisher Building downtown Detroit, which is just such a cool part of Detroit history and architecture. Seriously, my little phone camera couldn’t do these ceilings justice.

This is an old theater (by American standards). We may have found the closeness of the seats slightly alarming to our modern sensibilities, but that’s part of the charm! It’s a piece of theater history, and by sitting in those seats, so are we. Of course, they’ve made efforts to accommodate some other sensibilities as we saw in the QR codes on the back of the seats for food and drink delivered direct to us in the theater.

This production of Annie was an absolute joy to watch! Selah is (almost) eleven, just like Annie, and it was so cool to see all the young actors around her age pouring all their energy into their performances. This is such a talented ensemble of children and adults…and a dog! I clearly hadn’t been to a Broadway production in a while, because I thought it was such a novelty to look up the Instagram profiles that some of the actors had included in their program bios! It’s like a little “behind the scenes” documentary. Which I love.
I grew up watching the 1982 Annie movie, and Selah is a big fan of the 2014 film version, so we were both excited to see the stage version for the first time!

We were not disappointed! One of my favorite parts was their performance of N.Y.C. I only recall ever hearing this song in the 1999 made for television version of Annie, and I loved it! It’s a very satisfying “Broadway experience” sort of number. This was Selah’s first time at a Broadway production, so it just made me happy. :)
Annie is running at the Fisher Theatre through April 30th. Click HERE for more show info as well as a link to purchase tickets. Thank you @broadwayindetroit for hosting us!
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