25 DIY Christmas Ornaments
Sarah Lemp21K+

This adorable nativity craft can be found here.
Category: Crafts & SewingTag: christmas
About Sarah Lemp
Sarah Lemp is the owner and content creator at allthingswithpurpose.com and motorcitymouse.com. She has published 3 books, including an Amazon best-selling book on RV renovations. Sarah has worked personally with large brands like Meta, Disney and HGTV, sharing family travel tips and budget lifestyle content. Sarah is originally from Michigan, but now resides in Florida with her husband, Jay and their 5 kids. Sarah thrives on small budgets and can scale any size project to fit the means. She renovates ugly RVs and loves seeing old things become new. Sarah is a huge supporter of family travel because of the team-building impact it can have, and ability to cultivate an appreciation for other cultures and walks of life.
Tish Maceri
Your cute macaroni ornaments brought me back to my 3rd grade nun Sister Corrine, (St Mary’s of Redford, Detroit Michigan) Christmas wreath project. Each student was assigned to bring a different type of macaroni. We pasted a variety of macaroni on a paper plate circle. When dried (it probably took a week for our generous use of glue to dry) Sister Corrine spray painted our masterpieces with gold paint (without our assistance). When I brought it home I demanded that my mom remove the huge wreath from our front door and replace it with my masterpiece. She suggested an indoor display instead.
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Jennifer @ Decorated Chaos
Wow! What a great collection of ornament ideas. Thanks for sharing. My favs are Charlie Brown and the cupcake ornaments. They are adorable and I shared them on G+ page.
Sarah and Julia! Thankyou so much for the link love on our Cinnamon Glitter Ornaments. It was fun to admire the other clever ideas here also! Thanks for including us.♥