Summer is coming and we are all looking for fun activities for our kids. Sidewalk chalk is amazingly fun. It can be fun not only for the kids, but also for the adults. Here are some variations on a summer classic. Be ready for a great big mess :)
I have a degree in finance from Cedarville University and spent several successful years in banking and business ownership before choosing to be a stay at home mom! It has taken me time to adjust to being home with kids and not being part of the workforce, but it is so rewarding.
This post is perfect for the Monday Kid Corner Weekly Linky Party. The next party goes live Sunday morning and this week’s theme is SIDEWALK CHALK. Be sure to brush off those archives as well and link them up at See you there! Jennifer
Jennifer Hughes
This post is perfect for the Monday Kid Corner Weekly Linky Party. The next party goes live Sunday morning and this week’s theme is SIDEWALK CHALK. Be sure to brush off those archives as well and link them up at See you there! Jennifer